With an integrated LIMS system, labs can save and manage large amounts of data that is collected from multiple facilities using a cloud-based platform. This data can be accessed real-time across the organization and also integrated with other departments.
An integrated LIMS platform can increase efficiency, streamline production processes, and amplify operations. Data can be collected directly from the instruments, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERPs), Chromatography Data Systems (CDS), etc. This results in excellent collaboration across teams.

Integration with ERP System
- Transferring data from one department to another during a project can be time-taking. An integrated LIMS system fetches step-by-step details of specifications of quality tests to be performed on a batch or lot from the ERP systems and allots to QA in the system.
- Valid range of test results can be determined, and the position of the product can be found.
- This data also helps the QC to assign standard or specific tests in LIMS.
Integration with MES/ BMR System
- When interfaced with an MES or BMR system, LIMS system as CaliberLIMS helps in ensuring that the test results of specific production lots are correctly linked.
- It also helps the MES & BMR users to navigate effortlessly to the next step of production when the quality requirements are met.
Integration with QMS System
- The presence of a Quality Management System (QMS) and its interfacing with the robust LIMS system ensures that the products are manufactured as per all quality standards and regulatory requirements.
- Any minor or major change or deviation in the process can be easily identified and rectified to ensure quality output.
- Using the interfacing capabilities, audit trails can be fetched during the inspection or audit.
- The ability to get audit trails also helps in taking actionable decisions for improving product quality and safety.
LIMS Instrument Integration
- Regular activities like tracking instrument calibration schedule, keeping consumable records, etc. is completely automated to speed up the analysis work.
- Integrating instruments with LIMS software eliminates manual recording of data and reduces transcriptional errors.
- Complete access to control calibration schedules ensures that no delays occur. The data collated can be used for further analysis.
Integration with Statistical Tools
- Integrating a LIMS software with statistical tools, trends of data can be processed to ensure protective measures are taken at the right time.
- The saved data and meta data help in putting together predictive analytics.
- It enables the organization to quickly identify the problem areas, find resolution, and make the entire process efficient and cost-effective.
Digital transformation in Pharma and digital lab, the essential pre-requisites in the current day, can be achieved through an integrated laboratory information management system. This is possible with a robust LIMS system such as CaliberLIMS which ensures highest product quality and safety.
As all the systems are aligned to interact with perfection following regulatory guidelines, compliance becomes a simple task. With compliance, data integrity is easily achievable!
Achieve digital transformation and the new century lab with inbuilt instrument integration and other modules available in a LIMS system. Click here to know more.