Annual PQR A Thing of The Past


Annual Product Quality Review, also known as PQR or APR is performed annually to keep quality consistency in check. This is not only a regulatory requirement but also an essential tool to evaluate current process efficiencies. By performing APQR, companies can evaluate their quality policies, production processes, yield, and product performance in the market. This data offers inputs to improve processes and thereby product quality.

A tremendous amount of data is collected and analyzed to derive insights that help review product quality. Collecting, collating, and analyzing data across departments for review takes away 3-4 months of quality personnel’s time. It is tedious and a mandatory investment of time.

With growing business and product portfolios, quality-related data is also growing. This makes the quality personnels’ job strenous and error-prone.

Handling APQRs manually presents several challenges, including:

• Individual reviews for each product Data collation at regular intervals

•Increased time spent on reviews and corrections due to human errors

• Inconsistent audit trails

• Compromised data integrity

• Delayed reporting and decision-making